Creativity Circles
"I feel like I am being called to do something special, rich and sweet to protect the precious one inside. To be with her playing and helping her rise up, cultivate her seed, roots, vine and tender tendrills to reach out and love life for once and for all."
– Robin Rainbow Gate
I am a certified Modern Day Muse Group Creativity Facilitator which is based on the work of Jill Badonsky. Warm Play is my own innovation, something I am passionate about and look forward to developing and sharing with those who feel attracted to it!
Enjoy learning more about these on the following pages and feel free to contact me with questions any time.
– Robin Rainbow Gate
I am a certified Modern Day Muse Group Creativity Facilitator which is based on the work of Jill Badonsky. Warm Play is my own innovation, something I am passionate about and look forward to developing and sharing with those who feel attracted to it!
Enjoy learning more about these on the following pages and feel free to contact me with questions any time.